Because data is saved differently and the integration methods vary in each accounting package, if you are planning to, or have switched accounting systems, then you should be aware of how that effects your Calxa data. First of all please refer to the FAQ, What accounting software works with Calxa? to confirm your new accounting system is supported. If it is supported, then this help note will guide you in migrating your existing data. If you have any difficulties remember that our Customer Support team can be easily contacted through the In-App Chat Icon at the bottom right of the screen.
Summary Checklist
This is a summary of the required steps. See additional headings below for details on each of the required steps.
Create a New Organisation
Export existing budgets from old company & import to the new company
Copy your Account Trees from the old company to the new company
Map any unallocated accounts
Map Business Units in Business Unit Trees
Map accounts for custom KPI Account Groups
Review Cashflow Settings on the new organisation
Reconfigure report bundles
Map user permission to the new organisation
Create a New Organisation
Create a new organisation in Calxa by connecting to your new accounting software, add it to the same workspace as the original file so that you can copy settings across the organisations.
Once you have created the new organisation you should now see two companies listed in your organisation list. Note the new organisation will be styled as: Your Company (1) if you wish to rename one of the organisations for clarity see this help note.
Export Existing Budgets
You will need to open your old organisation and repeat the export steps below, for each of the budget versions/organisations you wish to transfer.
1. Export the budget from your original file The Budget will export to your default Downloads folder as specified for your browser.
2. It is important to note that each accounting system formats the account numbers and account names differently. therefore we need to copy the correct format for the new accounting system, so that the budget can be imported correctly.
Go to the new organisation and Export a blank Budget by choosing the same parameters and ensuring that you toggle on the Export empty rows option.
3. Open both budgets in Excel and working in the original budget, update by matching the Account numbers & Account Names and Business Unit Numbers & Business Unit names with the details from the new accounting system to overwrite the old data.
Import Budgets
Import the updated budget to the new organisation. Browse to find the budget by clicking on the Import File Folder icon.
Choose which budget you wish to import the information to and the sheet name from the Excel file, click import budget
Copy Account Trees
If you had created custom Account Trees in your existing organisation then you will need to copy them to the new organisation, for full details see Copy Account Tree.
Accounts selected need to be dragged onto the headers they are to come under in the Account Tree, the header will outline in orange to show where you are placing the account. For more details see this help section: Account Trees
If you have a file conversion you may find that Exporting the original Account Tree, updating the spreadsheet and then Importing an efficient way of doing this: Export & Import
Map Business Unit Trees
If you use Business Unit trees they'll all be reusable, however you'll need to map the new companies Business Units to the structure. This will mean you have both the old and new companies business units in the tree but in time you can remove the old ones. For more details see this help article: Business Unit Trees
Map KPI Account Groups
If you had created custom KPI Account Groups to use in KPI formulas then you'll need to edit each custom Account Group and map the accounts for the new organisation. For more details see this help article: Account Groups
Review Cashflow Settings
If you are using Calxa to prepare a Cashflow Forecast you'll need to browse to Budgets & Cashflow -> Cashflow Settings and review the left hand menus and match the new companies settings to the old. For more details see this list of help articles: Cashflow Settings
Reconfigure Report Bundles
Your existing Report Bundles are configured to report on the old organisation. These need to be updated to report on the new organisation. You may wish to consider creating copies of the bundles so you have the old as a reference and the new for reporting going forward.
To copy a bundle see the Edit a Bundle help article.
Then edit each report in the bundle and configure the criteria to use the new organisation.
Map User Permissions
If you've got additional users invited to your workspace who are not Co-Owners or Full Access workspace users you'll now need to make sure these users have been granted permissions on the new organisation. For more details see this help article: Set User Permissions