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Business Unit Trees

Create a hierarchy of your departments, projects or jobs and report detail and consolidated across all your entities.

Shem Bogusz avatar
Written by Shem Bogusz
Updated over a week ago

Calxa allows you to report on business units (i.e. jobs, tracking categories, cost centres, programs). You can display a detailed business unit view, a consolidated view, or both depending on the level of reporting you want.

The video and help note below will show you how to create, edit and save Business Unit Trees, that you will then use to Report on Business Units.

New Business Unit Tree

  1. Navigate to Reports -> Report Tools -> Business Unit Trees.

  2. From the Selected tree dropdown choose Create new tree.

  3. Enter a tree name then click CREATE TREE.

  4. Edit the tree as per extra steps below and SAVE CHANGES.

    Note: You can optionally select the Load tree from accounting system which will create the new tree including all active business units and any headers that existing in the business units from your accounting system.

Create Hierarchy with Headers

  1. Click the ADD HEADER button.

    1. Location: used to build the hierarchy.

    2. Number: used for ordering the list.

    3. Header Name: used for display in reports.

    4. Consolidation: determines consolidation settings.

      1. Consolidated: creates a consolidated total or all units below this header.

      2. Detail: displays the detail of the business units allocated below this header.

      3. Detail & Consolidated: creates a consolidated total and also displays the detail of the business units below this header.

  2. Enter the details above and select ADD HEADER.

    Create hierarchy with headers

Add Business Units to the Tree

  1. Select the Category you want to allocate business units from.

  2. Toggle Shared business units on or off.

    Shared business units are units that are identically numbered and named in more the one organisation. Using the shared option allows you to allocate from multiple organisations in one step.

  3. Tick checkboxes on the business units you’d like to add to one location.

  4. Click MOVE TO TREE and choose a target location.

    Move business unit to tree

Edit Business Unit Tree

Business units can be repositioned or removed from the Tree if required

  1. To reposition within the Tree, drag and drop onto an alternative Header

    1. Clicking the arrows on the left of the Headers will collapse the Tree to make this easier.

  2. Remove from the Tree by clicking the red X next to the individual Business Unit

    1. This will send the Business Unit back to the unallocated side

    2. It can then either be left and will be excluded from the reports or

    3. Reposition by following Add Business Units to Tree section above

  3. SAVE CHANGES at the top of the screen when you have completed the Tree

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