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Account Groups
Mick Devine avatar
Written by Mick Devine
Updated this week

To build custom KPI formulas in Calxa Premier, you will need to name and group accounts so you can use them in your formulas. There are several default account groups provided for you in Calxa. You can use and edit these groups as well as create your own custom account groups.


Account Groups

Navigate to Reports -> KPIs & Metrics -> KPI Account Groups.

Select Account Groups in the left menu and then your organisation from the dropdown:

Each Account Group has the following properties:

  1. Name: The name will be used to identify this Account Group in KPI formulas, this will need to be unique.

  2. Account Group type: The group type determines how the value of a group will be calculated

    • Period Movement - Calculated as the sum of the movement in each account in the group for the reported period​

    • Annual Movement - Calculated as the sum of the movement in each account for the 12 month period ending at the end of the reporting period​

    • Closing Balance - Total of the closing balances on all selected accounts, at the end of the reporting period​

  3. Description: A description of the group of accounts. For custom groups you can type your own description in the box​

  4. Account Selection: The selection of accounts included in the Account Group calculation.

Note: 💬 Only the Account Selection can be edited on default Account Groups. ​

Edit Account Selection

  1. To edit the accounts included in an Account Group, select the group from the Account Groups list

  2. To use one of your custom account trees to select the accounts for your account group, click the drop-down arrow and select

  3. Search for accounts using the Search accounts bar

  4. Select the account checkboxes of the accounts you wish to include in the Account Group. Deselect the account checkboxes of the accounts you wish to remove

  5. Click the Save Changes button when you are happy with your selection

Note: 💬 you can revert back to the Calxa default selection of accounts for the Fixed Costs, Wages, Current Assets, Current Liabilities, Default Bank, Inventory and Owner's Equity Account Groups at any time by clicking the Bulk Actions drop-down and select Use defaults. Click Save Changes.

Copy or Create Account Groups

To create a new Custom Account Group you can either use one of the existing groups that are similar and click the Copy icon, then update the name by over typing and details:

Click Copy button to copy Account Group

If you prefer to add new, Click the New account group button that sits above the list of Account Groups.

Create new Account Group

  1. Select the calculation method from the Group type drop-down, enter a unique name in the Group name field, then click Add New Group

  2. You can enter a description (this is optional). Click into the area below the group name to add your description, then click Save Changes

Delete, and Search for Account Groups

Delete an Account Group

You can delete custom Account Groups you have created, however you cannot delete any of Calxa's default Account Groups. Calxa default groups have a grey padlock next to the Copy button button indicating they can't be deleted.

  1. To delete a group, select the group from the Account Groups list, then click the Delete button.

    Delete Account Group

  2. A confirmation box will pop up. Click Delete Account Group to confirm deletion, note that any existing KPIs using this group will now fail and this is NOT recoverable.

    Confirm Delete Account Group

Search for Account Groups

Use the search bar to look for particular Account Groups, for users with lengthy group lists.

  1. Click into the Search account groups bar at the top of the Account Groups list​ and type in the name of the Account Group required, click to select:

    Search Account Groups

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