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Account Tree: Export & Import
Account Tree: Export & Import

Export your account tree for backup or additional editing in Excel and import to the same or another workspace.

Mick Devine avatar
Written by Mick Devine
Updated over 8 months ago

Account Trees in Calxa provide a truly flexible structure for mapping your chart of accounts from your accounting system to suit many different reporting requirements. You can regroup, rearrange and summarise your accounts, plus restructure the Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet layouts.

Tips πŸ’‘: You should first see Account Tree: Create Structure to create your first tree and understand how headers, sub-headers, Calculations and KPIs create your structure. Then map your accounts following the Account Tree: Mapping Accounts guide

  1. Navigate Reports -> Report Tools -> Account Trees

    Settings -> Organisation Settings -> Account Trees

  2. From the selected tree dropdown select the tree you would like to export.

    Animation selecting tree

Export Account Tree

  1. From the selected tree dropdown click the settings cog and choose Export tree.

Import Account Tree

  1. From the selected tree dropdown click the settings cog choose Import tree.

    Warning: ⚠️ Importing from a spreadsheet replaces the Account Tree and the process cannot be reversed. We recommend exporting your existing account tree as a backup first. Click Export your Account Tree to download a backup before proceeding.

  2. BROWSE and select the file you would like to import, choose the sheet to import then click NEXT STEP.


  3. Use the checkboxes to select the organisations from which you would like to map accounts to this tree.

  4. Map all the required fields to the column headings in your spreadsheet the click NEXT STEP.

    Tip: πŸ’‘If the spreadsheet column headings match the required field names these will be mapped automatically. See spreadsheet requirements below for detailed requirements.

  5. Calxa will verify the spreadsheet rows can be imported and list any errors. If no errors are detected click NEXT STEP. See the Import Validation errors listed below for more details.

  6. When the import is complete click DONE.

Spreadsheet Requirements

Column Headings

The spreadsheet requires 6 columns and we recommend using the following column heading names to avoid manual mapping during the import process.

  • Row Type

  • Item Number

  • Item Name

  • Item Detail

  • Parent Item Number

  • Parent Item Name

Row Type

Each row in the spreadsheet will have one of the following row types.

  • Header: used to create a header account.

  • Account: used to map detail accounts from your accounting data.

  • Calculation: used to create calculation rows in the account tree.

  • KPI: used to insert a KPI row to the account tree.

  • Metric: used to insert a KPI row to the account tree.

Row Type = Header

When adding header row types you must provide the following details under the remaining column headings.

  • Item Number: the account header number used for sorting in the tree structure.

  • Item Name: the account header name used for displaying in the tree structure.

  • Item Detail:

    • If the header has no parent details then the account type is required.

      • Income, Cost of Sales, Expense, Other Income, Other Expense, Asset, Liability or Equity are accepted.

    • Else the header will have parent details and the account type is inherited from the parent header and therefore item detail is not required.

  • Parent Item Number: enter the item number from another header row if you would like this to be a sub-header of that row.

  • Parent Item Name: enter the item name from another header row if you would like this to be a sub-header of that row.

Row Type = Account

When adding account row types you must provide the following details under the remaining column headings.

  • Item Number: the account number to match from your chart of accounts when mapping to the tree header row types.

  • Item Name: the account name to match from your chart of accounts when mapping to the tree header row types.

    Note: πŸ’¬ an exact match on both the account number and account name is required for mapping to occur during the import. Accounts that do not match exactly will require manually mapping after import.

  • Item Detail: not required.

  • Parent Item Number: enter the item number from a header row to map this account to that header.

  • Parent Item Name: enter the item name from a header row to map this account to that header.

Row Type = Calculation

When adding calculation row types you must provide the following details under the remaining column headings.

  • Item Number: not required.

  • Item Name: the name of the calculation row. For example "Gross Profit".

  • Item Detail: the formula for the calculation row.
    Example formula: [400::Income]-[500::Cost of Sales]
    Accepted parameters are as follows.

    • Header variables in the format [Item Number::Item Name]

    • Mathematical operators (+ plus, - minus, * multiply, / divide)

  • Parent Item Number: enter the item number from a header row to map this calculation to that header.

  • Parent Item Name: enter the item name from a header row to map this calculation to that header.

Row Type = KPI or Metric

When adding KPI or Metric row types you must provide the following details under the remaining column headings.

  • Item Number: not required.

  • Item Name: the name of the KPI or Metric.

  • Item Detail: not required.

  • Parent Item Number: enter the item number from a header row to map this KPI or Metric to that header.

  • Parent Item Name: enter the item name from a header row to map this KPI or Metric to that header.

Import Validation Errors

Before importing the Account Tree, the rows of your spreadsheet will be validated based on the requirements for each row type. You will need to fix any validation errors in the spreadsheet before proceeding with the import. Errors on validation will look like this. If the list of errors is large you can use the DOWNLOAD LOG button to download a text document with the full list of errors.

Error on row #

This prefix is added to all errors that relate to a specific row. The row number mentioned allows you to easily lookup this row in your spreadsheet and resolve accordingly.

Row Type must equal Header, Account, Calculation or KPI

The Row Type column accepts Header, Account, Calculation or KPI only. Please provide a valid row type.

<Column Name> required for header row types

One of the required columns is empty. Please enter the required column details for the header row type defined above.

<Column Name> required for account row types

One of the required columns is empty. Please enter the required column details for the account row type defined above.

<Column Name> required for calculation row types

One of the required columns is empty. Please enter the required column details for the calculation row type defined above.

Parent Item [Number: <number>; Name: <name>] does not exist as a header row type

When defining a Parent Item Name and Parent Item Number the details provided must match an Item Number and Item Name of a header row in the spreadsheet. This is the parent item or location that this row will be assigned to. Please ensure both the number and name match a header row type exactly.

Invalid Item Detail. An account type is required for Item Detail in header row types

If no parent details are provided for a header row then an account type is required. See valid account types for header row type defined above.

Invalid Item Detail. The formula should only contain components and operators

The formula should only contain components in the format [Item Number::Item Name] and the following operators (+,-,*,/). Please review the Item Detail column and ensure the formula only contains these parameters.

Item Detail contains an invalid component. [Item Number::Item Name] does not exist as a header row type

The component [Item Number::Item Name], included in the formula does not exist in the spreadsheet as a header row type to use in the formula. Please ensure the Item Number and Item Name match a header row type exactly.

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