To take advantage of Calxa’s powerful reporting engine, we recommend setting up some automation which will save you time every month. There are essentially two steps to this:
Set up Report Bundles
Create Workflows to trigger the delivery
Set Up Report Bundles
Report bundles help you save time by saving sets of reports and documents into complete management reporting packs.
During your trial sign up, Calxa will have created a sample bundle for you, but you'll probably want to edit that or create your own. Create a Bundle using a pre-configured kit.
Add a Report to a Bundle - select from any of the templates in the report builder to make your own bundles.
Add a Document to a Bundle - to create cover pages, executive summaries and notes.
Create Workflows
During your trial sign up, you may have already chosen to have reports sent to you monthly. In this case you will already have a Workflow configured to sync with your accounting data and send you a sample report bundle. However, you can set up your own workflows for different actions:
Sync your accounting system data
Generate and deliver report bundles
This help note Set up a Workflow will walk you through step-by-step.