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Metrics allow you to capture non-financial information which you can use as variables in KPIs or use as drivers for your budget formulas.

Shem Bogusz avatar
Written by Shem Bogusz
Updated over a week ago

Metrics extends on your accounting data by allowing you to enter additional non-financial data that isn't captured in your chart of accounts. You can add, remove, sort and group Metrics in the configuration menu and then use the Budgets & Actuals menu to enter your Metrics data for use as budget drivers or variables in KPI formulas.

Using Metrics

Metrics can be used for reporting key values that you wish to include in reports or charts either on their own, or as a variable in a KPI formula. In addition, Metrics can be used as drivers or variables within budget formulas.

Metrics Reporting

Metrics can be used as variables in KPI formulas. For details on using Metrics in KPIs, please refer to the KPI Builder help article.

In addition, Metrics can also be added directly to certain reports as per KPIs. For details on adding Metrics and KPIs to your reports, refer to the KPI & Metric Reporting help article.

Lastly Metrics and KPIs can also be injected into your reporting structure by adding them to an Account Tree. See the Account Tree: Create Structure help article for more details.

Enter Metric Values (Budgets & Actuals)

To enter Metric budget and actual data click the Budgets & Actuals shortcut menu or browse there via Budgets & Cashflow -> Budgets & Actuals then choose the Metrics layout option. See the Budgets & Actuals help article for further details.

Tip:💡Metrics data can also be imported from a CSV or Excel File see Import Metrics for full details.

Budget Formulas

For details on using Metrics as budget drivers refer to the Budget Formulas help article.

Add a New Metric

  1. Browse to Reports -> KPIs & Metrics -> Metrics Configuration

  2. Click Add New Metric

  3. Add the following properties and then click ADD NEW METRIC

    1. Metric Name: the display name for this metric

    2. Metric group: add to a logical group to keep metrics organised

    3. Calculation option: when used in a KPI formula across a date range

      1. Movement (Sum): sum the values in the range

      2. Closing Balance (End): use the last value in the range

      3. Average: average of all values in the range

Animation showing how to a a new metric

Map Metrics to Organisations & Business Units

Metrics are configured at the workspace level but when it comes to data entry in the Budgets & Actuals menu you may not need to see the same Metrics in all organisations or business units. You'll therefore need to map the new metrics to the required business units.

  1. Expand the appropriate group and select a metric.

  2. Map Organisations and Business Units by checking the required checkboxes.


Tips:💡use BULK ACTIONS and the search Organisations and Business Units option to make bulk selections and find business units in large lists.

Animation mapping metrics to business units

Group and Order Metrics

The order in which you see Metrics in this menu is also the order in which they will be displayed in other menus and selections boxes like formulas. Grouping Metrics helps to group them in logical containers that can be sorted at a high level and then you can apply a custom sort order within each group or simply sort alphabetically.

Add New Group

  1. Click Add new Group

  2. Enter Group name, Position and click ADD NEW GROUP

Reorder Groups

  1. Click settings cog next to one of the group names and select Reorder.

  2. Use drag and drop to reorder the categories.

  3. Click SAVE ORDER.

Animation re-ordering groups

Reorder Metrics

  1. Use drag and drop to reorder Metrics.

  2. Alternatively select Sort alphabetically from the settings dropdown.

Animation re-ordering metrics

Move Metrics between Groups

  1. Use drag and drop to move metrics between groups.

Animation moving metrics between groups
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