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Consolidate Multiple Organisations

How to group multiple entities, from any accounting system, for reporting purposes, including elimination of inter-company accounts

Mick Devine avatar
Written by Mick Devine
Updated over 4 months ago

In Calxa Premier you can consolidate multiple organisations to display their combined Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet and Cashflow Forecast reports. This help article and video provide an overview of how to create consolidated reports with links to related articles and videos providing more detail.


1. Add all Organisations to the same Workspace

To consolidate multiple organisation you must first ensure you have imported each organisation into the same Workspace. See the following articles for details on adding organisations.

2. Create Organisation Group

An organisation group is more then just a selection of organisations. An Organisation Group saves the list of Organisations to consolidate as well as the Reporting Currency and each organisations Budget and Account Tree settings. So if you need some consolidated reports in one currency and some in another currency or perhaps some with different budgets you will create a group for each of these cases.

See this help article for how to Create an Organisation Group.

3. Run a Multiple Organisation Consolidated Report

  1. First Select the report template you'd like to use.

  2. Now in the Report Builder Preview screen click on the Organisation drop-down menu.

  3. Select your Organisation Group from the drop-down menu.

  4. Click Refresh Report and the report will be generated consolidating all the organisations in the group with the settings saved in the group.

    Selecting an organisation group

3.1 Budgets & Scenarios

There are a number of ways to refer to specific Budgets & Scenarios when reporting for a Consolidated Group.

  • Group Budget: This is the budget set for each individual organisation within the Organisation Group setting.

    • Scenarios can then be selected as required in the Report Settings

  • Main Budget: This is a dynamic setting which will refer to the Main Budget as set for each individual organisation, Reports will run on the Main Budget as it is set at the time of running the report.

    • Scenarios can then be selected as required in the Report Settings

  • Common Budgets: In the report screen you will have the option to choose a budget version where all the organisations in the group have a budget with that name, eg Approved or Forecast for example.

    • Scenarios can then be selected as required in the Report Settings

  • ADVANCED - Access this directly in Report Settings:

    This allows for you to make any selection of Budgets and Scenarios on an organisation by organisation basis. There are also BULK options that allow for choosing matching selections across the organisations in the group.

    Settings budgets & scenarios

4. Improve Consolidated Reports

Create Common Account Structure for Consolidation

If you're consolidating multiple organisations that are either from different accounting systems or don't have the same chart of account structure, then you may wish to consider using an Account Tree to define the way all the accounts merge in the consolidation. See Account Tree: Create Structure and Account Tree: Mapping Accounts for details.

Account Trees for Elimination Entries

This step is also optional, but if you require eliminating certain inter-company accounts from your consolidation then this is done using an Account Tree. See Account Trees for Elimination Entries for details.

Report on Business Units across Organisations

If your group of companies have similar Business Units, you may want to report on the group with this breakdown. You can either create a new Business Unit Tree, or copy an existing one, that has a Hierarchy of Headings already set up, as well as some of the Business Units already allocated.

  • Navigate to Reports > Report Tools > Business Unit Trees

  • For full details refer to Business Unit Trees

Currencies & Foreign Exchange Translations

Calxa provides fully automated foreign currency translations in your consolidated reports. See Currencies & Exchange Rates for details.

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