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Cashflow Forecast (Advanced Settings)
Cashflow Forecast (Advanced Settings)

Configure cashflow timing with advanced settings applied to individual accounts.

Shem Bogusz avatar
Written by Shem Bogusz
Updated over 4 months ago

Use the Cashflow (Advanced Settings) menu to configure cashflow timing and tax codes for every individual accounts. The Cashflow Forecast (Advanced Settings) menu are part of the overall Cashflow Settings. You should review all the cashflow settings to take the heavy lifting out of preparing a Cashflow & 3-Way Forecast.

Tip: 💡For many organisations, Calxa default cashflow settings will be suitable. It's only in more advanced scenarios, you will need to configure advanced settings. It's highly recommended that you prepare a 3-Way Forecast with the Cashflow (Basic Settings) first and then only edit advanced settings to address specific use cases.


Toggle to the Advanced View

  1. Browse to Budgets & Cashflow -> Cashflow Settings -> Cashflow Forecast.

  2. Toggle between basic and advanced views using the Advanced view toggle.

    Advanced view toggle

  3. The Cashflow Settings screen lists all of your accounts except for those accounts selected in other specific Cashflow Settings such as GST, Wages & PAYG etc. Each account has a default Cashflow Type and Tax Code.

  4. The advanced view allows you to edit these settings. See further headings below.

Edit Cashflow Type

  1. With the Advanced View toggled on, select the account or accounts you would like to edit from the list of accounts (tick the checkbox next to the account(s)).

    Tip: 💡You can search, filter and sort the list of accounts using the tools above the list of accounts. You can also select an entire account category by ticking the check box at the top of the category list.

  2. After you have selected the account(s) select the cashflow type you'd like to apply to these accounts from the drop-down at the right.

    Change cashflow type

    Note: 💬 Please see the Cashflow Types heading below for descriptions of each cashflow type.

  3. When you have finished editing the cashflow type, click the SAVE CHANGES button. To cancel your changes click the Cancel button.

Restore Default Cashflow Type

At any time, you can restore individual, multiple or all accounts to their default cashflow type by selecting the account(s) you want to edit from the list of accounts at left, then selecting the cashflow type Reset to Default from the Cashflow Type drop-down at the right. Click the SAVE CHANGES button to complete.

Edit Default Tax Code

These settings help Calxa apply GST (VAT or Sales Tax) to your budgeted amounts. The list of available Tax Codes are populated from your accounting system and Calxa will apply the tax rate as configured in your accounting system.

To edit the Default Tax settings, select the account(s) you would like to edit from the list of accounts at left, then select the tax type from the tax type drop-down. This drop-down sits just above the Cashflow Type drop-down.

Tip: 💡You can restore individual, multiple or all accounts to their Default Tax type by selecting the account(s) you want to edit from the list of accounts at left, then selecting the tax type named Match 'your accounting system name' from the Tax drop-down at the right.

Cashflow Type Descriptions

Calxa Cashflow Types available:


A cashflow type of None indicates that any budget in these accounts will not affect your bank balance. An example of an account that may be set to None is depreciation expense. This is an expense that you may budget for, however there is no cashflow effect from this budget.

Tip: 💡For a simple approach to handling depreciation see the Depreciation cashflow setting. Using that setting Calxa will calculate an accumulated depreciation budget based on the depreciation expense budgets you enter. Note this simple setting will not allow you to depreciate individual assets.

Warning: ⚠️When budgeting on accounts with a cashflow type of None, special consideration should be given to balancing your budget, For details, please see the Balanced Budget section of the Step by Step Guide to Cashflow Forecasting help note.


The profile cashflow type allows you to set custom timing on specific accounts. For example, if you invoice a bunch of customers and usually receive most of the payments in the same month but a percentage of those pay in the following month then you'll configure those percentages within the profile.

With Profile selected as the Cashflow Type, adjust the monthly percentage values as required by moving the sliders next to the months. The values represent a percentage, therefore the total must equal 100%. Calxa will ensure this total is achieved by automatically adjusting other months accordingly.

Cashflow Profile Sliders

Profile (Days Count Profile)

With the Profile cashflow type you also have an option to simply enter an average number of days (example 30, 45, etc) and Calxa will calculate the percentage profile by month for you.


The schedule cashflow type is only available for Balance Sheet accounts. This cashflow type can be used to reflect scheduled payments. For example, assume you pay an expense quarterly but you accrue this expense monthly to your P&L. In this scenario, you would set the expense account's cashflow type to None, and the accrued liability account to a quarterly schedule.

To select a cashflow schedule select Schedule as the Cashflow Type, then select the appropriate schedule from the Schedule drop-down.

Warning: ⚠️When budgeting on accounts with a cashflow type of Schedule, special consideration should be given to balancing your budget, For details, please see the Balanced Budget section of the Step by Step Guide to Cashflow Forecasting help note.

Tip: 💡You can also create a custom cashflow schedule if the default schedules don't meet your needs. See the Custom Cashflow Schedule section at bottom for instructions on how to create a custom schedule.

Debtor Days

The debtor days cashflow type is essentially an automatically calculated profile. Calxa will calculate your debtor days based on your outstanding debtor balance and the total income for the previous twelve months. These calculations provide a profile of how you would be expected to receive payments on average. The calculated profile is displayed, however it is not editable.

Tip: 💡If there is insufficient historical data the calculated profile may be unrealistic. In this circumstance there is an option to manually override Debtor Days - please see the Cashflow (Basic Settings) help note for instructions.

Note: 🗨️ For more details on the debtor days calculation methodology please see the Creditor and Debtor Calculations help note.

Creditor Days

As per the debtor days cashflow type, this is an automatically calculated profile. Calxa will calculate your creditor days based on your outstanding creditor balance and the total expenses for the previous twelve months. These calculations provide a profile of how you would be expected to make payments on average. The calculated profile is displayed but is not editable.

Tip: 💡If there is insufficient historical data the calculated profile may be unrealistic. In this circumstance there is an option to manually override Debtor Days - please see the Cashflow (Basic Settings) help note for instructions.

Note: 🗨️ For more details on the debtor days calculation methodology please see the Creditor and Debtor Calculations help note.

Wages Tax

If you would like to individually set wages accounts that were not nominated in the Wages & PAYG (PAYE) Cashflow Settings you may use this cashflow type. Calxa will calculate PAYG withholding on this account. Select Wages Tax as the Cashflow Type, then set the Average tax withheld.

Additional Information

Want to learn more about Cashflow Settings? Check out the other help notes in this series:

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