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Use your Accounting System Budget in Calxa
Use your Accounting System Budget in Calxa
Mick Devine avatar
Written by Mick Devine
Updated over 4 months ago

Calxa budgeting tools make it easier for you to manage your budgets directly in Calxa rather than in your accounting system, but sometimes you might already have data in your accounting system you need to get into Calxa.

Calxa has a sync option to update your budgets from MYOB AccountRight, Xero and QuickBooks organisations each time you sync your organisation. This budget version is read-only but can be copied for further editing or used as the source data in Budget Factory calculations.

Review the Budget section of the following articles for more details:

Alternatively, you can use the Export and Import Budget functions.

Once the Accounting System Budget has been synced into Calxa it will be in read only form. Should you wish to edit the budget in Calxa, you will need to copy it to another budget version. You can choose to either copy the entire accounting system budget OR copy just the current year's budget.

  • A copy of the entire budget version can be done via the Manage Budgets screen. The Manage Budget Versions help note provides instructions on how to do this.

  • To copy a single year, refer to Budget Factory help note for instructions.

After you copy your accounting system budget to an editable budget version, you may then wish to turn off automatic updates of your accounting system budget in Calxa during org syncs.
The General Settings help note provides instructions on how to do this.

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