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Budgets & Scenarios: Export
Mick Devine avatar
Written by Mick Devine
Updated over a week ago

Calxa allows you to export your Budgets & Actuals data to Excel or CSV files. You can use these as a template to import data back into Calxa or for use in other external systems.

  1. Navigate to Budgets & Cashflow -> Budgets & Actuals -> Budget Tools -> Export.

  2. Select your Organisation from the Selected Organisation dropdown.​

    Export Budget Menu

  3. Set your export options, the Data Source to export can be any one of:

    1. Actuals

    2. Budgets > click drop down to expand and choose the Budget version

    3. Scenarios > click the dropdown to expand and choose a Scenario version

    4. Complete the other settings and click EXPORT BUDGET.

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