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General Settings
Mick Devine avatar
Written by Mick Devine
Updated over 5 months ago

Apply general settings related to an organisation and it's synchronisation settings.


  1. Navigate to Settings -> Organisation Settings -> General

  2. Select your organisation from the Selected Organisation dropdown.

    General Settings Menu
  3. Set the options and click SAVE CHANGES

General Settings

General Settings

Opening Balance Period

This is a read only property that identifies the earliest reporting period you can use in Calxa.

Last Month in Financial Year

Indicates the financial year end. It is automatically determined from your accounting system. Some reports use your financial year to determine year to date values for example and therefore you may wish to temporarily change the year end period. This setting will be reset the next time you sync with your accounting system.

Consolidation Rate

The Consolidation Rate is used for multiple organisation consolidations. It allows you to consolidate organisation files with different currencies and can also be used to consolidate companies with differing levels of ownership. This feature is available for Calxa Premier users. Please see the help note Consolidate Multiple Organisations for more details.

Bank Overdraft Limit

If you have an overdraft facility with your bank you can reflect this in your Cashflow Forecast report by entering the amount of the overdraft in the Bank Overdraft Limit field.

Last Actuals Period

This represents the latest in which you have a complete month of actuals. This will update automatically when you sync with your accounting data to the last complete calendar month. Unless otherwise chosen in report criteria this is the default period where reports will switch from Actual to Forecast and it is also used in the Budget Factory for the same purpose.

Sync Settings

The Sync Settings section provides options related to the sync process.

Settings vary by accounting system so please review the ?Help information and also refer to the following help articles for more details.

Business Unit Configuration

Business Unit Labels are set in the Business Unit Configuration Screen. You can update the labels used on Business Units and call them what you like. These labels will be used in settings, report criteria and reports throughout the application. Refer to Business Unit Configuration for more details.

Enable NZ Charity Reporting

This option enables a few preconfigured report and bundle templates that relate to New Zealand Charity Reporting Requirements. Toggle to the green position to enable these templates and refer to the NZ Charities Reporting Checklist for more details.

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