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Budgets & Scenarios: Sub-Accounts

Split a single line account budget into multiple parts.

Shem Bogusz avatar
Written by Shem Bogusz
Updated over a week ago

Sub-Accounts are budget-only accounts that automatically roll up to a standard general ledger account. They are perfect for accounts where you want to build budgets from a selection of detail items. For example, you might have a Utilities account that includes Gas, Electricity and Water. Using Sub-Accounts allows you to budget for Gas, Electricity and Water while keeping the reporting and accounting simple with a single account.

Sub-accounts example.

Key Points: πŸ’¬

Use Sub-Accounts to split a budget into multiple items, this will help you estimate an account budget.

  • Sub-Accounts are a budget only tool.

  • Values on Sub-Accounts are not displayed on reports.

  • Values on Sub-Accounts are automatically rolled up to the Primary Account.

  • For more advanced requirements including reporting on budget values consider using Unlinked Accounts.

Add Sub-Accounts

  1. Navigate to Budgets & Cashflow -> Budgets & Actuals

    1. Note: The same options are available in Scenarios

  2. Choose an appropriate view/layout as described in the Budget Views & Layouts help article

  3. Click EDIT to open the Chart of Accounts dialog
    Note: this is also accessible in the Chart of Accounts menu

  4. Search or find the account to add sub accounts to and click the icon

  5. Rename and Reorder as required and SAVE CHANGES​

    Animation shows adding sub-accounts.

Budgeting on Sub-Accounts

Budgets can be added to Sub-Accounts in the same way you add budgets to regular accounts. See the Edit Budget help article for more details about editing budgets. In the example below you can see figures are being entered at the Sub-Account level and totaling to the primary Utilities account.

Editing sub-account values that total to the primary account.

Original account budget

If you add a Sub-Accounts to an account that already contains a budget, the values and any budget formulas from the original budget will be shown as Original account budget. This special sub-account will only be displayed while values exist. Remove the values and the Original account budget row will also be removed.

Budget Formulas on Sub-Accounts

Budget Formulas can be added to any Sub-Accounts. The primary account however is always equal to the sum of the Sub-Accounts, so Formulas cannot be added to the Primary Account.

Example of formulas applied to sub accounts.

Editing Values on the Primary Account

When editing values directly on the primary account, budgets will be added or amended on all of the Sub-Accounts proportionally according to the existing values. In the example below when editing the Utilities budget you can see Electricity, Gas & Water according to the existing proportions of the total.

Example animation budgeting on a primary account.

Importing Budgets with Sub-Accounts

Importing budgets to Sub-Accounts is not currently supported. If you import budgets to an account that contains Sun-Accounts the result will be imported to the Primary accounts and allocated proportionally to the Sub-Accounts as described above when editing the Primary Account.

For details on importing budgets see the Import Budgets help article.

Budget Factory with Sub-Accounts

When using the Budget Factory Source data is used to populate a Destination budget. Sub-Accounts are handled in the following way.

  1. The values on the Primary account from the Source data are used (not the Sub-Accounts)

  2. These values are then applied to the Destination data Primary account

  3. The values are then allocated proportionally to the Sub-Accounts using the existing Sub-Account values from the Destination to determine the proportions

  4. If you are populating a Budget line that doesn't currently have values, for example a budget for the next year, then the Primary accounts will be updated with the value, which will then be divided equally between the Sub-Accounts.

The most common data source on the Budget Factory is Actuals, which do not contain Sub-Accounts so this behaviour is consistent with editing and importing to the primary account, however when using a budget as the Source you should be aware that the Sub-Accounts data will not be copied individually.

For details on using the Budget Factory see the Budget Factory help article.

Merging Accounts that Contain Sub-Accounts

Unlinked accounts (accounts not linked to your accounting system) can be merged in Calxa. During merge you have an option to keep the source budgets, keep the destination budgets or combine the budgets. In all cases the following will occur.

  • Source Sub-Accounts are deleted

  • Destination Sub-Accounts are retained

  • The values on the Primary account are allocated as per the chosen setting

  • The values are then allocated proportionally to the Sub-Accounts using the existing Sub-Account values from the Destination to determine the proportions

See the Manage Chart of Accounts help article for details.

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