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Cashflow Forecast (Basic Settings)

Set the default timing for receipts and payments on Receivables and Payables.

Shem Bogusz avatar
Written by Shem Bogusz
Updated over a week ago

Use the Cashflow Forecast menu to set the default timing for Debtor/Receivable receipts and Creditor/Payable payments. The Cashflow Forecast (Basic Settings) menu are part of the overall Cashflow Settings. You should review all the cashflow settings to take the heavy lifting out of preparing a Cashflow & 3-Way Forecast.

For more advanced timing options you may need to also consider the Cashflow (Advanced Settings).

  1. Browse Budgets & Cashflow -> Cashflow Settings -> Cashflow Forecast.

  2. Which accounts do you use for Trade Debtors or Receivables?

    Your accounting system will have a special account for tracking Accounts Receivable or Trade Debtors. Nominate the primary receivable account so Calxa can understand how much your customers still owe you and make assumptions about how quickly you'll receive your income in the future.

    Note: 💬 use the Override debtor day count property to set your own average terms for receivables.

  3. Which accounts do you use for Trade Creditors or Payables?

    Your accounting system will have a special account for tracking Accounts Payable or Trade Creditors. Nominate the primary payable account so Calxa can understand how much you still need to pay to your suppliers and make assumptions about how quickly you'll pay your expenses in the future.

    Note: 💬 use the Override creditor day count property to set your own average payment terms.

  4. Below each of the calculated day counts there is a Distribution preview which shows how Calxa will forecast your receipts or payments in cashflow forecasting. The numbers shown in the distribution chart reflect a percentage of the total amount invoiced in the current month and what portion will be collected in what month.

    The statistical assumption is that some invoices will be paid before the average and some after. For those of you who want to go under the hood and understand the full calculation logic, please refer to this help article - Creditor and Debtor Calculations.

  5. Click the SAVE CHANGES button at the top right after you complete your selections.

Want to learn more about Cashflow Settings? Check out the other help notes in this series:

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