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Calxa and MYOB Acumatica
Shem Bogusz avatar
Written by Shem Bogusz
Updated today

Calxa can be used with a number of different accounting packages and integrates with these packages in different ways. Aside from your initial company setup and subsequent syncs, Calxa behaves in much the same way regardless of the chosen accounting package. There are, however, some important differences to be aware of.

This help note will outline the things you should know about using Calxa with MYOB Acumatica and discuss best practices for a smooth integration.

Integration (connection) to Acumatica

Calxa authenticates to Acumatica using the OAuth 2.0 Authorisation Code Flow. Configuration for this integration must be performed in both Acumatica and Calxa.

Once configured this flow does not require any user interaction for Calxa to sync data from Acumatica. The secrets used as part of the authentication flow have a configurable expiry date and therefore, periodic renewal may be required based on the expiry date chosen. The connection may also be revoked at any time from the Acumatica configuration.

Supported Versions

  • MYOB Acumatica (Australia and New Zealand)

    • MYOB exclusively partners with Acumatica in Australia and New Zealand to bring you MYOB Acumatica, built on top of the technology that Acumatica provides.

  • Acumatica (Global)

    • SaaS deployments of Acumatica are fully supported.

    • Private Cloud deployments must allow public access to the required Web Service Endpoints.

Note: MYOB Business is also supported but covered in the following separate help article: Calxa and MYOB Business

Calxa Subscription

A Calxa Enterprise subscription is required to connect to MYOB Acumatica. See Calxa Pricing for more details.

Acumatica Licence Requirements

A Full Access API licence is required. A free limited API licence is not suitable as the limited number of API calls per day will cause sync failures.

User Access Rights Required

An Acumatica administrator is required to configure the Connected Application and Web Service End Points in Acumatica. The Calxa connection will require access to the following Objects and related Screen IDs:


Screen ID





Chart of Accounts




Journal Transactions




Project Tasks




Companies and Branches

Each company and branch from Acumatica is imported to Calxa as a separate Organisation.

Chart of Accounts

Calxa references each account on a key rather than the account number or name. This means you can safely renumber or rename accounts in Acumatica and Calxa will still recognise it as the same account.

If you mark accounts as Inactive in Acumatica, then Calxa will mark these accounts as inactive. Inactive accounts are filterable from many views in Calxa, however all actual data is still imported and synced against inactive accounts and thus will be included in reports when data is present.

Business Units

Business units are the broader term in Calxa representing the different methods for segmenting data in Acumatica. The following segments from Acumatica are imported to Calxa.

  • Subaccounts

  • Projects / Projects Tasks

Business unit names are configurable via the Business Unit Configuration menu.

Calxa references each Business Unit on a key rather than the number or name. This means you can safely renumber or rename these in Acumatica and Calxa will recognise them as the same item.


Subaccounts are mapped as individual Business Units in Calxa. These can contain their own budgets and budgets can also be imported from Acumatica. Marking Subaccounts as Inactive will also mark them as Inactive in Calxa.

Subaccount segments

Subaccounts in Acumatica can be made up of configurable segments. Each segment may be considered its own Business Unit Category, such as a Region, Department or any other segmentation of your choosing. Currently Calxa does not import each segment independently, however since the Subaccounts already have the breakdown of each combination, each segment such as a Region or Department can be built using a Business Unit Tree.

Coming Soon:💡direct syncing of Segment Keys and Segment Values from Acumatica is coming soon.

Projects & Projects Tasks

Projects are mapped to a Business Unit header in Calxa, while Project Tasks are mapped as individual business units within each Project Header. Each task can contain its own budget which is easily rolled up to the overall Project Budget.

Marking Project Tasks as Complete will mark the Business Unit as Inactive in Calxa. Inactive tasks are filterable from many views in Calxa, however all actual data is still imported and synced against inactive tasks and thus will be included in reports when data is present.

Note: 💬 project budgets can be built using advanced tools in Calxa, however they are not imported from Acumatica.


Journal Transactions are summarised and stored in Calxa as monthly amounts on each combination of Business Unit and Account.

Transaction Detail

Transaction detail is not saved to Calxa and therefore some transaction-based reports such as the Account Transaction and Aged Receivables/Payables reports are not supported for Acumatica organisations at this stage.


You can select a single budget to be synced from Acumatica to Calxa at both the Organisation and Subaccount level. This will create a Read Only budget in Calxa. See Use your Accounting system Budget in Calxa for more details.

While you can budget on Project Tasks in Calxa, the Task budgets cannot be synced from Acumatica.

Note: 💬 Budgets cannot be updated from Calxa back to Acumatica.

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