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Calxa and MYOB Business

Best practices and things to note for a smooth integration with MYOB.

Mick Devine avatar
Written by Mick Devine
Updated over a month ago

Calxa can be used with a number of different accounting packages and integrates with these packages in different ways. Aside from your initial company setup and subsequent syncs, Calxa behaves in much the same way regardless of the chosen accounting package. There are, however, some important differences to be aware of.

This help note will outline the things you should know about using Calxa with MYOB and discuss best practices for a smooth integration.

Supported Versions

  • MYOB Business (Online only)

    • Includes all plans (Lite, Pro, AccountRight Plus and AccountRight Premier)

  • MYOB Essentials (Australia and New Zealand)

    • This product is no longer sold.

    • Existing customers are being upgraded to MYOB Business.

Note: MYOB Acumatica is also supported but covered in the following separate help article: Calxa and MYOB Acumatica

MYOB User Permissions Required

You will require one of the following default MYOB user roles to successfully import and sync your MYOB data with Calxa:

  • Accountant/Bookkeeper

  • Administrator

If you're using custom roles the following is required as a minimum:

  • Accounts

    • Account Budgets

    • Account History

    • Accounts

    • Accounts List

  • Lists

    • Accounts List

    • Categories

    • Job Budgets

    • Jobs

    • Jobs List

Chart of Accounts

Calxa references each MYOB Category (formerly account) on a key rather than the account number or name. This means you can safely renumber or rename accounts in MYOB and Calxa will still recognise it as the same account.

Deleting an account in MYOB will also delete it in Calxa on the next sync. All budgets and settings associated with the account will also be deleted.

If you mark accounts as Inactive in MYOB then Calxa will mark these accounts as inactive. Inactive accounts are filterable from many views in Calxa.

Opening Balances

During the initial import Calxa will setup account opening balances as obtained from the opening balances in MYOB. Future organisation syncs will not affect these balances so changes made to opening balances in MYOB will not be reflected in Calxa.

⚠️ for this reason do not adjust opening balances in MYOB after connecting to Calxa.

Additionally, it is not a good idea to merge balance sheet accounts as the opening balances will not be updated on the merged account.

Transactions Detail

When first adding a MYOB organisation we start by importing summary monthly account movements for this year and last year. Once this initial import is complete you can start working immediately. A background job then builds full historical amounts as follows.

  • Transaction details for all periods from the financial year end 2020.

  • Prior years are imported as summary monthly account movements.

Note: πŸ’¬ depending on the transaction volume the detail and historical amounts can take some time to become available.

Once the historical amounts and transaction detail are complete, the daily syncing processing identifies monthly periods that have transactions modified since the previous sync. These monthly periods are then updated with the latest transaction details.

Tip:πŸ’‘ Transaction reports include the MYOB Job Code, however transaction details are not available for MYOB Cost Centres.

Business Units

Business units are the broader term in Calxa representing both Jobs and Cost Centres (formerly Categories). Business unit names are configurable via the Business Unit Configuration menu.

Calxa references each MYOB Job or Cost Centre (formerly Category) on a key rather than the number or name. This means you can safely renumber or rename Cost Centres or Jobs in MYOB and Calxa will recognise them as the same Job or Cost Centre. Marking Jobs or Cost Centres as Inactive will also mark them as Inactive in Calxa and Inactive business units are filterable from many views in Calxa.

⚠️ Deleting a Job or Cost Centre in MYOB also deletes the Job or Cost Centre in Calxa along with any associated budgets. Be aware deleting a Job or Cost Centre could also delete historical information from Calxa.


When you initially add a MYOB Business Organisation, Calxa will give you the option to import the budgets.

Note: πŸ’¬ budgets entered via the MYOB Desktop App can be sync'd with Calxa directly.

⚠️ Due to limitations in the MYOB API, Calxa cannot sync budgets created in the ONLINE MYOB app.

You can however Export the Budget to a CSV file, open the file and remove the organisation details and any blank lines above the column header row, then Save the file and import it into Calxa. Further information in Import Budgets.

Organisation Budget

At the Organisation level Calxa will import the MYOB budgets stored as This Year and Next Year.

Business Unit Budgets

Since monthly Job budgets cannot be saved in MYOB, Calxa will assume your Job budgets are an annual value for This Year. The annual budget value will be brought into Calxa and split equally across the 12 months.
If you didn't import your budgets to Calxa when you added your organisation, you can still choose to do this anytime you sync your organisation by adjusting your sync settings on the General Settings screen. This is also where you can turn the budget sync off to manage your budget in Calxa going forward.

​Note: πŸ’¬ Budgets cannot be updated from Calxa back to MYOB.

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