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Change Log 2019-01-16
Mick Devine avatar
Written by Mick Devine
Updated over a week ago

Account Groups - the first part of custom KPIs are now available in the browser with the formula builder coming soon.

New: Account Groups for Custom KPIs

To build custom KPI formulas you need to name and group accounts so you can use them in your formulas. This functionality is now available online and with one significant improvement over the legacy desktop design. When creating and editing account groups you can now display your accounts using custom Account Trees. Check out the help article on Account Groups for more details. We're also now working on the formula builder so this is coming soon.

Fix: Percentage of Sales Calculation with custom Account Trees

We recently identified an error where percentage of sales was incorrectly calculated when using a custom account tree that changed the Total Income value. This has been fixed and the percentage of sales value now uses the account tree correctly.

Fix: Consolidation Rate not applied on some reports

The Cashflow Canvas, Bank Movement Waterfall chart, Net Worth Chart, Where Did Our Money Go? and Trial Balance Reports did not correctly apply the consolidation rate when running multiple organisation consolidations. This has been fixed and all reports correctly apply the consolidation rate.

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