Change Log 2019-03-04
Mick Devine avatar
Written by Mick Devine
Updated over a week ago

Invite your accountant, bookkeeper or consultant with the Free Advisor User type and a new edit subscription and sign up flow.

New: Free Advisor User

The new Free Advisor user will enable you to invite your external bookkeeper or accountant into your Calxa subscription so they can help review your budgets and reports, without affecting your user count for billing purposes. See the Invite a User and Set User Permissions help articles for more details.

New: Edit Subscription and Sign Up Flow

We've redesigned the billing subscription flow to make it easier to follow. Previously all options were on a single screen and your feedback told us that this was confusing and options were easily overlooked.

Now when you edit your subscription to upgrade from your trial or add and subtract users for example, you will be walked through a stepped process to help you make the best choices for your requirements.

See the Purchase from a Trial / Re-subscribe and Upgrade / Downgrade Subscription help articles for the step by step guides.

Improved: Multi-Org Report Titles

Now when you run a Multi-Org Consolidation we will use the Group Name in the report title instead of listing all the included organisation names. This gives you more control and reduces the space required by the report title when listing a large number of organisation names.

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