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Change Log 2021-05-12
Mick Devine avatar
Written by Mick Devine
Updated over a week ago

New Business Unit budget layouts, Import Metrics, more multi-period variations plus other improvements and fixes.

New: Business Unit Budget Layout

Under Budgets & Actuals layout option you can now choose Business Unit by Month, Quarter or Year. This new layout switches the main grid list from Accounts to Business Units and via the sidebar navigation you will select a single account. This enables you to edit a single accounts budget for multiple Business Units in the one view. See the Budget Views & Layouts help article for more details.

New: Import Metrics

You can now import both your list of Metrics and Metric amounts from a CSV or Excel file. This will be a great timesaver for those adding external data to Calxa for the purpose of Budget or KPI formulas. Check out the Import Metrics help article.

Note: Export Metrics Coming Soon.

New: Import Credit/Debit Actuals on Manual Org

Now when importing Budgets or Actual amounts you can optionally choose to import Credit/Debit amounts. This is a great improvement for users importing to a manual organisation from external systems. Credit amounts are represented as positive figures and Debit amounts as negative figures. See Import Actuals for Manual Organisation for more details.

New: Bank Movement Multi-Period Variations

After updating all the 3-Way Forecasting reports to include the same multi-period template variations we've now extended this same list of options to the Bank Movement report. There are now the following template options.

  1. Bank Movement (12 Months)

    1. 24 Months

    2. 4 Quarters

    3. 8 Quarters

    4. 12 Quarters

    5. 4 Years

    6. 5 Years

    7. 6 Years

    8. 10 Years

Improved: Added NDIA Bulk Claims Columns

ClaimType and CancellationReason are two new columns added to the NDIA Bulk claims export format. These columns are intentionally left blank which is the default behaviour supported by the upload. Those who require a non-default Claim Type will need to edit the spreadsheet manually after export. See the Export an NDIA Bulk Claims File for additional help on this topic.

Fix: Remove Budget Formulas on Budget Import

Importing budgets did not correctly identify and remove formulas when importing to periods that contained formulas. This meant that your import was potentially immediately overwritten by a live formula calculation. All Formulas are now removed from cells where an Import has replaced a value.

Fix: Import for Users with Limited Permissions

When permission for a user to edit budgets was granted as Full Access to an Organisation but not explicitly set per Business Unit then users were not able to import budgets to the Business Units. Users with Full Access on an Organisation can now also import to the Business Units on this Organisation.

Fix: Switching Sign in with Multiple Users

We identified an issue where users could not edit their profile details if they were to sign in, and then sign in as another user. This same issue could also cause the incorrect name to be display in the top right corner. Both issues have now been resolved.

Fix: Budget Comments to Actuals

The Budget Comments option was incorrectly displayed for Actual amounts on Unplugged organisations. Attempting to add comments in this way caused an unexpected error as it is not supported. The Comments option has now been removed from the Actuals amounts data entry area.

Fix: Trial Sign Up with Existing Account

There was an issue which caused users attempting to sign up with an existing login to return back to the same page where they clicked 'I already have an account'. This issue has been fixed.

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