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Import Actuals for Manual Organisation
Mick Devine avatar
Written by Mick Devine
Updated over 2 months ago

Unlike integrated organisations where the actuals are imported or synced from your accounting data, if you have a manual organisation you will need to update your actuals in Calxa or import them from Excel. In this article we look at importing your actuals from Excel or CSV formats. See Enter Actuals for Manual Organisation for details on entering your actuals directly in Calxa.

If your organisation is linked to MYOB, Xero or QuickBooks you just need to sync your accounting data into Calxa.

This article only applies to manually created organisations. The import destination of Actuals will not be visible if your organisation is connected to an accounting system.

  1. Navigate to Reports -> Report Tools -> Organisation Sync.
    Settings -> Organisation Settings -> Organisation Sync.

  2. Click IMPORT DATA on the company you wish to import data to.

  3. At Select data file, set the following properties and click NEXT STEP.

    1. Type of import: choose Actual Amounts.

    2. Select file: browse and select the Excel or CSV file to import from.

  4. On the Match fields to column headings step, set the import options and map the required fields to your spreadsheet columns, then click NEXT STEP.

    1. Monthly Amounts: recommended option for importing actuals. Values are entered under monthly column headings.

    2. Annual Amounts: not recommended for importing actuals, however can be used for importing full financial year amounts split by Business Unit. Amounts will be imported as 12 equal monthly values.

    3. I am importing closing balance amounts: check this option if the values entered under monthly Period Amounts are closing balance amounts. A trial balance amount for example would be closing balance amounts. The default behaviour when this option is not checked is that values represent activity or movement in the period.

    4. I am importing Credit/Debit amounts: check this option if your spreadsheet includes positive and negative numbers for Credits and Debits. You then nominate that Debits are either a positive or a negative number, and the corresponding Credit nomination.

    5. I have combined account number and name: check this option if your spreadsheet has the Account Number and Account Name combined into a single column.

    6. Map Fields: for the remaining options map the Calxa fields to the columns in your spreadsheet.

      Account Number (Required): since Account Numbers are unique this is the only required column to identify the Account.
      Account Name (Optional): you can optionally include and map an Account Name during import. In this case Calxa will match both the Account Number and Account Name, so you may use this as an extra check that you're importing to the correct account.
      Business Unit Number or Business Unit Name(Optional): When no Business Unit columns are provided Calxa will assume the import is for the Organisation or Overall level. For best results when mapping a Business Unit use the Business Unit Number as this is unique. You can however map either the Business Unit Number or Business Unit Name or both. When both columns are included Calxa will match on both Business Unit Number and Business Unit Name, so you may use this as an extra check that you're importing to the correct Business Unit.
      Period Amounts (Required): at least one monthly column heading is required. Select all the monthly period columns to import and select a format that matches your monthly column heading format.

  5. On the Import and verify the data step, verify there are no errors and click NEXT STEP.

    1. This step allows you to confirm how many rows will be updated and verify there are no errors before any data gets updated.

      Note: see Import Budgets - Errors and Troubleshooting for common errors and how to resolve them. While this help article relates to importing budget amounts the same errors apply.

  6. On the Import the data step confirm the correct number of rows were successfully updated and click Done.

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