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Export an NDIA Bulk Claims File
Mick Devine avatar
Written by Mick Devine
Updated over a week ago

Once you have enabled the NDIA Bulk Claims feature in Calxa and set up an NDIA Customer Group, your next step will be to export your NDIA bulk claims invoices to a specifically formatted CSV file.

You can then submit the claims file via the NDIS Provider portal. The file export process is described below. To manage NDIA bulk claims in Calxa you will also need to set up Time Billing Invoices in MYOB.

Note: This feature is currently supported for MYOB AccountRight online only.

Calxa will consider other accounting systems based on customer demand - please email to register your interest.

  1. Navigate to Settings -> NDIA Portal -> Invoice Export.

    Navigation to Invoice Export screen

  2. Select the organisation you want to work with from the Selected organisation drop-down

  3. Click the Sync Invoices button to bring in the Time Billing invoices from your accounting system.

  4. Next select the date range of invoices you would like to display by clicking on the calendar buttons in the start and end date fields.

    You can also select from common date ranges (i.e. Last week, Last month) via the bold black calendar button (see calendar icon to right of date fields.

  5. Further filter the list of invoices by selecting NDIA from the Customers drop-down menu.
    Filtering by NDIA customers will display only the customers you added to your NDIA Customer Group.

  6. There is also an invoice Status drop-down you can use to filter by status. This is a dynamic list displaying the statuses of invoices in your accounting system and those available in the current filtered view, so your list may differ from the example shown below.

  7. When you have selected your list filters you will see the invoices displayed based on your filters. They will be shown at left and collapsed.

    To expand them you can either click on the + sign shown in the image below or click on the Bulk Actions drop-down to select from a few options (Select all, Select none, Select Inverse, Expand all, Collapse all).

    Invoice list options

  8. If you haven't already done so using Bulk Actions in step 7 above, select the invoices you would like to export by ticking the checkbox next to each.

  9. Click the EXPORT SELECTED button to create the bulk claims CSV file.

  10. Your CSV file will then be ready to submit via the NDIS Provider portal. The file format will be similar to the image shown below.

    NDIA Bulk Claim CSV file

Warning: before making a bulk payment request with an exported CSV file the following columns may require additional editing if the default values are not appropriate.

  • ClaimType

  • CancellationReason

  • ABN of Support Provider

Please refer to our other NDIA Bulk Claims help notes to learn about the full process:

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