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View Published Reports
Mick Devine avatar
Written by Mick Devine
Updated over a week ago

Published Reports are Reports or Bundles you've previously saved with all the data at a point in time. This will allow you to confirm in Calxa what a particular report or bundle contained at the time you originally distributed it. You can also set up a folder structure in Calxa to organise your published reports.

πŸ”ΊUser Permissions: Please note that if a Workspace user has View Published Reports enabled, ALL Published reports will be available to them, irrespective of the content. Business Unit Permissions do not restrict access once a report is Published. See Set User Permissions for more details.

In this help article we'll look at searching, sorting and downloading published reports. For details on publishing reports or managing folders see these help articles:


Published Reports

  1. Navigate to Reports -> Published from the top menus.

  2. Select a folder you want to view from the left navigation.

    Published folders
  3. Published reports are listed in a tiled fashion as shown below.

    1. Each tile represents a single Published Report or Bundle.

    2. The name given to the published report.

    3. The Report Template or Bundle name.

    4. The Report Month used when this report was first run.

    5. Timestamp when the Report or Bundle was Published.

      List of published reports and meta-data properties

Search Reports

Enter a search parameter into the search field. The search parameter is matched on all properties except the timestamp.


Sort Reports

Click the Sort By option and select a property to sort the reports by that property.


Open Report

To open and preview a report click the open report icon in the upper right corner of the report tile.

Open Report

For details on the Report Preview screen including options to export in multiple formats please see the help article - Preview a Report.

Download PDF

To download a PDF of the Published Report, click the ellipsis and select the Download report from the drop-down.

Download PDF

Rename or Move Report

To rename a report or move it to a different folder, click the ellipsis and select the Rename report option.

Rename Report

Update the Name field and click Save.


If you update the Folder field and Save this will move the Published Report to that Folder.

Move Folder
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