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Change Log 2023-04-05

Improved bundles export to excel and other usability improvements.

Shem Bogusz avatar
Written by Shem Bogusz
Updated over a week ago

New: Bundle Optimised for Export to Excel

If you have a bundle of reports that you regularly export to Excel, you may have found that each page is exported as a separate worksheet. We have now added a bundle setting that when turned on, will optimise that bundle for exporting to Excel. The result is that each report in the bundle will be exported to a single worksheet, rather than each page being exported to a separate worksheet. This setting also means that you can now have a Workflow to send a bundle of reports, automatically produced in the Excel format.

Improved: Edit Subscription Capacity with Organisation Management

In a recent improvement we fully automated subscription capacity changes so that it wasn't only the function of the billing contact to increase or decrease the organisation capacity of your subscription. We extended this functionality to the subscription Owners or Co-Owners by automating the capacity changes based on adding and deleting organisations. After some feedback we've decided to make this optional and allow you to choose the required capacity at the time of adding or deleting an organisation. This means if you're about to add 5 organisations you can simply increase by 5 on the first one and get a single invoice.

Improved: Credit & Debit Import for Actuals

If you are importing actuals to a manual organisation and using the Credit & Debit amounts option, there is also now the ability to choose if your Debits or Credits are the positive values. Previously positive amounts were imported as Credits, and this meant many of you needed to amend your spreadsheets before import.

Improved: Unsaved Changes Continued

We started this process in the last release. All settings and configuration menus now detect unsaved changes when you navigate away and prompt to save or discard.

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