Budget Factory, the bulk editor that will save you time and the all new ATO Cash Flow Coaching Kit.
New: Budget Factory
We’ve taken the Budget Factory you’ve known for years from our desktop product and given it a facelift in Calxa online – not just a cosmetic one but one that will put more power at your fingertips. We’ve streamlined the flow so there are fewer steps and made some of the options clearer. Both beginners and advanced users should find it simpler to use. The Cost of Sales as a percentage of income method has also been improved with the ability to set a Net Profit budget and Calxa works out the required Income and Cost of Sales to meet that target. For the how to guide check out the Budget Factory help article.
New: ATO Cash Flow Coaching Kit
The Cash Flow Coaching Kit is a set of resources provided by the Australian Tax Office (ATO), intended for Accountants, Consultants and Bookkeepers to be used as a conversation tool with their clients. Part of the intended process is to complete a Cash Flow Canvas. The Canvas is a working document and the suggested process is to work through this with your clients manually. In Calxa however we've created this Canvas as a report to automate as much as possible. We've create a Report Bundle Kit that includes the Canvas Review and Forecast templates plus additional resources from the ATO Cashflow Coaching Kit.
New: Last Actuals Period
The Last Actuals Period property has been added to the My Workspace->Settings->General menu. In the desktop app this property is saved in Organisation Management. For the most part this property is updated automatically when you do an organisation sync but sometimes it may be necessary to set it to some other custom date as it influences some Calxa reports.
Improved: Wildcard Search in Business Unit Selection
When reporting on business units you must first select the business units to report on. Our initial implementation provided a search box to filter the list of business units to select from however this search was case sensitive. We've improved this so capitalisation in names is ignored and matches on characters alone.
Improved: Create New Bundle Position
In the Bundles menu we've moved the Create New Bundle button to the top of the left navigation. Previously it was below your list of existing bundles which was difficult to find if you had a long list of Bundles.
Improved: Handling of Expired and Over Capacity Subscriptions
Now if you sign into a workspace that has either expired or is over capacity you'll find a banner warning at the top of the browser app explaining the reason for limited access. There is also suggested actions to resolve this and if you're the subscription primary billing contact then appropriate shortcut links to the Admin and Billing screens are provided, where you can take actions like renewing and upgrading your subscription or removing some users or organisations that have taken you over the capacity.
Fix: Issue with KPI Selector in Report Criteria
In reports that have a Show KPIs toggle combined with the settings icon there was an issue with the settings overlay. If you tried to use the select all option in the settings overlay it would toggle the Show KPIs option in the background. This behaviour has been fixed and you can now use the select all option.
Fix: Sync Now button
There was an issue with the SYNC NOW button under My Workspace->Settings that meant it did not indicate completion when the Syncing process had completed. The SYNCING animation would continue unless you refreshed the browser page. This issue has been resolved and the SYNCING animation now stops when the sync is complete.