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Change Log 2019-05-31
Mick Devine avatar
Written by Mick Devine
Updated over a week ago

Budget builder now with ranged selection, Cut, Copy & Paste plus improved Bank Movement reports.

New: Cut, Copy & Paste Budgets

The Budget Builder now allows you to Cut or Copy a range of cells and then paste to another range of cells. For example copying an account row or multiple rows to another range, or possible monthly columns to another month. See the Edit Budgets help note for more details.

Improved: Bank Movement Report

The Bank Movement Report is an alternate way to view Cashflows. It shows an opening bank balance, then accrual account movements through the P&L and Balance Sheet followed by the closing bank balance. This report previously showed the Net Profit running total only, however we've had a high number of requests to include Gross and Operating Profit. These rows have now been included by default.

Improved: Pay Invoice

Now when using the Pay Invoice option you can optionally change your payment method. This is useful if, for example, your card has expired and you need to pay an outstanding invoice with a new card.

Fix: Report Preview Scale on Small Resolution

On monitors with low resolution the report preview frame would not correctly fill the the available space. This has been resolved and now the preview fills all available space.

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