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Report on Business Units

Learn how to filter reports by Cost Centres, Projects, Departments or any other type of Business Unit.

Shem Bogusz avatar
Written by Shem Bogusz
Updated over a week ago

Calxa allows you to report on business units (i.e. jobs, tracking categories, cost centres, programs). You can display a detailed business unit view, a consolidated view, or both depending on the level of reporting you need.

This help note will show you how to report on a single Business Unit and use Business Unit Trees for more complex requirements like consolidating multiple Business Units.

Report on Organisation

  1. Select a Report Template in the Reports -> Builder menu.

  2. Select the Organisation name (Your Company) from the Organisation dropdown.

  3. Then in the Business units dropdown select Organisation.

  4. Refresh the Report.

    Note: If you have entered budgets by business unit, such as Projects or Departments, you may need to review your Organisation Budget (Consolidation Setting) to ensure budgets are displayed in reports.

    Report on organisation

Report on a Single Business Unit

  1. Select a Report Template in the Reports -> Builder menu.

  2. In the Business units dropdown select the specific business unit.

  3. Refresh the Report.

    Report on single business unit

Report on All Active Business Units

For each category of Business Unit Calxa provides an option to report on all the active units. Using this option will always include the current active business units as well as a consolidated total.

  1. Select a Report Template in the Reports -> Builder menu.

  2. In the Business units dropdown select the All Active option under the required category.

  3. Refresh the Report.

    Report on All Active Business Units

Report on Business Unit Trees

Business Units Trees provide advanced options for reporting on more than one Business Unit, including consolidations.

  1. First create your Business Unit Tree in the Report Tools -> Business Unit Trees menu.

  2. Select a Report Template in the Reports -> Builder menu.

  3. In the Business units dropdown select the Business Unit Tree.

  4. Refresh the Report.

    Report in Business Unit Trees
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