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Troubleshooting - Consolidate Multiple Organisation Reports
Troubleshooting - Consolidate Multiple Organisation Reports

Understanding what is being included in Consolidated organisation reports

Sandra McCarthy avatar
Written by Sandra McCarthy
Updated over 10 months ago

Sometimes, when reporting for multiple organisations, the results come out differently to what you are expecting. This article has some helpful ways to investigate what is actually included in the reports and resolve inconsistencies.

Review Organisation Groups

Organisation Groups set the companies into groups that you wish to report on, you can have as many groups as you wish for reporting on different selections. Ensure that your naming conventions are clear so that selecting the correct group in the Report screen is easy.

Navigate to: Reports -> Report Tools -> Organisation Groups -> Selected Group

  • Group name -> Overtype to update if required, this is just for selection in reports

  • Name Shown in Report -> Organisation name to be displayed in the reports

  • Set the Currency -> Exchange Rates -> Reporting Year End

  • Select the Organisations to be included -> Budget Version -> Alternative Budget Version


This will be the criteria the used to report when the Group is selected. Please note that changes to Budget versions will be reflected in every report the Group is being used for, so you should consider whether you need to change the Budget version or, create a new group for a specific purpose.

Comparison Reports for

Profit &Loss, Balance Sheet, Trial Balance and Cashflow

Calxa currently has the following comparison reports.

  • P&L Comparison (Multi-Column)

  • Balance Sheet Comparison (Multi-Column)

  • Trial Balance Comparison (Multi-Column)

  • Cashflow Forecast Comparison (Multi-Column)

  • Cashflow Statement Comparison (Multi-Clumn)

These run on the selected group and can be set to the number of columns required, choose a number that is at least one more than the number of organisations in your group so that you can also see a Total Column.

The Profit & Loss allows for up to 100 organisations, and can be used for Business Units as well, the Balance Sheet and Trial Balance allow for 50 organisations.

To directly compare the numbers, ensure that you have the same parameters set in the Comparison report as the report you are trying to troubleshoot:

  • Organisation Group

  • Business Unit Selection

  • Number of columns = number of Organisations + 1 as a minimum

  • Budget versions are set in the Organisation Group Setting, a padlock will be displayed

  • Account Tree

  • Reporting Period

  • Report Month in Orange banner

These reports will then display the values for each organisation in turn as a column, and the total, to confirm which organisations data is being pulled from.

You can then review the columns presented and identify inconsistencies to resolve the any problems in your other reports.

Further assistance

If you would like additional assistance with reviewing your reports or troubleshooting, please contact Calxa Support through the online Chat Icon at the bottom right of the screen and Chat with us.

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