New: Currency Translation Differences Reports
When multiple entities with different currencies are consolidated into a reporting currency a balance sheet discrepancy can occur which is reported in Calxa as a Currency Translation Difference. Differences can arise from Current Earnings, Retained Earnings or any balance sheet account where a fixed exchange rate has been applied. The following 2 new reports are now available to reconcile where the overall reported discrepancy has originated from.
Currency Translation Comparison
Currency Translation Differences
Please review the help article on Currency Translation Differences for more details.
New: Send Invoices to Additional Contacts
Now in the billing portal you can manage additional contacts who will receive Calxa invoices. If you would like to manage additional invoice contacts, follow the instructions provided in the Additional Billing Contacts help article.
Improved: Dashboard Data Sources
The accounts and multi-period KPI data source now have an option to provide a dynamic number of periods. Previously multi-period data sources only allowed for a fixed number of periods where you specified a period type like months and then a fixed number of periods like 12. Instead, you can now also choose to end at a relative period allowing you to provide a number of months equal to the YTD range for example. This is explained further in the Custom Data Sources help article.