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Dashboard Tile: Image

The image tile is used to add images to the dashboard.

Shem Bogusz avatar
Written by Shem Bogusz
Updated over a week ago

In this article we'll provide information on how to Image tile type to add static images to Calxa dashboards. In the example below we've added a Calxa logo as an image on a dashboard tile.

Supported Formats

Raster images with formats such as JPG, PNG & GIF are supported. Vector images such as SVG are not supported because there is no capability to specify an actual image size.

Providing Image

Select Linked to provide an image via a web URL or Embedded to upload an image file.




In the editor, specify the image’s URL.


In the editor, click the ellipsis button and locate the required image file in the invoked dialog.

Select Linked or Embedded image mode

Image Options

Size Mode

You can specify the image size mode that defines how the image fits within the dashboard item.

Image size mode options.




Displays the image in its original size. The image is clipped if it is larger than the tile.


The image is stretched or shrunk to fit the size of the tile.


If the dimensions of the tile exceed those of the image it contains, the image is shown full-size. Otherwise, the image is resized to fit the dimensions of the tile.


The image is sized proportionally without clipping, so that it best fits the tile. The closest fitting side of the image (either the height or the width) will be sized to fit the dashboard item, and the remaining side (height or width) will be sized proportionally, leaving empty space.

Image Alignment

Use the Horizontal Alignment and Vertical Alignment to specify how the image is aligned within the dashboard tile.

Horizontal and vertical alignment.

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