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Dashboard Tile: Cards

The cards tile is used to display a series of KPI elements (cards), with varying layout and display options.

Shem Bogusz avatar
Written by Shem Bogusz
Updated over a week ago

In this article we'll provide information on how to create and customise the Cards tile type in Calxa dashboards.

Each tile type allows you to bind data in a similar way, however each tile will have different data properties. This section describes the data properties specific to a Cards dashboard tile.


Actual & Target

When adding a Card, you'll need to choose an Actual and a Target value.

Adding actual and target values to card configuration.

Card Layout

To manage the position and visibility of card elements you can choose a predefined layout and additionally customise its settings.

Selecting card layout defaults and changing settings.

Delta Options

One of the Card elements called Delta, is the difference between the actual and target values. Delta values have a delta indicator, percent variation and absolute variation. This is shown with a delta indicator (indicating whether the actual value is less than or greater than the target value) and delta values (representing this difference as an absolute value or a variation).

Edit delta option on Cards



Value Type

Specifies which values should be displayed as the delta value.

Result Indication

Specifies the condition for displaying the delta indicator as red or green.

Threshold Type

Specifies the comparison tolerance in percentage values or in absolute values.

Threshold Value

Specifies the comparison tolerance value. If the delta value is between the positive and negative Threshold, the delta value is gray and no indication is displayed.

Format Options

For each value type on the card you can choose different number formatting options.

Change number formatting options for each element on the card.


Contains the data item whose values will be used to label separate cards in the tile. If no series is provided, only one card element will be displayed. When you add series, the number of tile elements is multiplied by the number of series values.

Add a series of cards to the same tile by binding KPI Name.


A sparkline is a small inline graph used to visualise a series of actual or target values, typically over time. To add a sparkline you must provide a sparkline argument. Most commonly this will be the period in a multi-period data source.

Configuring sparkline argument as monthly values.

Sparkline Options

If you've included a sparkline the options are defined back under the cards value configuration.

Configuring sparkline options.



View type

Defines the sparkline’s view type. Sparkline data points can be represented as area, line, bars, or win and loss squares.

Highlight min/max points

Specifies whether to highlight the minimum/maximum points of a sparkline.

Highlight start/end point

Specifies whether to highlight the start/end points of a sparkline.

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