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Change Log 2022-12-07

KPI rows on Account Trees and new P&L vs Prior periods report.

Shem Bogusz avatar
Written by Shem Bogusz
Updated over a week ago

New: KPI Rows on Account Trees

Expanding on the recent 3rd generation Account Trees release, you can now add KPIs directly to your tree. This means you can include profit percent rows or non-financial numbers like customer and transaction count directly to the body of your reports. KPIs can still be included on some report templates as additional information at the end of the reports, however this change means you can now include KPIs on any standard report layout.

KPI rows are formatted uniquely with an orange background colour to distinguish them from standard calculation rows in the report. Most reports have had this new formatting applied however some still require the unique formatting to be applied and we'll roll these remaining changes out over the coming week.

Check out the Account Tree: Create Structure help article to see how you can start adding KPIs to your Account Trees.

New: P&L vs Prior Period

We've added 2 new reports to help you compare profit and loss to prior periods. The comparison periods are fully flexible, so you're not bound to last year comparisons. Skip last year and compare to any other year or perhaps last month or quarter. Check out the following two reports available in the Report Builder now.

  • P&L vs Prior Period

  • P&L vs 2 Prior Periods

Improved: Date Selection Defaults

We've added a few new date selection defaults. Options like Rolling Forecast have been added to a few more reports plus This Financial Year Budget and Next Financial Year Budget are new options designed to make it easier to prepare budget only reports.

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