Change Log 2019-03-18
Mick Devine avatar
Written by Mick Devine
Updated over a week ago

Import and keep your Budgets in Sync from Xero and AccountRight organisations and improved actuals reporting.

New: Budget Sync for Xero and AccountRight

Calxa budgeting tools make it easier to manage budgets directly in Calxa but sometimes you already have data in your accounting system and you need to get that into Calxa. In this update we now provide a synchronisation option to include your budgets from Xero and AccountRight organisations. This feature creates a special synchronised budget in Calxa that updates from Xero or AccountRight each time you perform the normal sync action. This budget version can be copied for further editing or used as the source data in Budget Factory calculations. QuickBooks and MYOB Essentials budget sync will also be added in the near future.

[Edit 2019-04-08] Due to limitations in the MYOB Essentials API the Budget Sync feature will not be supported for MYOB Essentials organisations.

Improved: Actuals Reporting Month to Date

The Last Actuals Period in Calxa represents the last complete month of Actual data. This is the theoretical point where Calxa reports switch from actuals to forecast figures. For a handful of report templates the Last Actuals Period restricts the date range that can be reported on which could be confusing for users who are trying to run a Month to Date report on current month actuals for example. We have updated this behaviour to give you more flexible reporting. We are currently working on forecast reports to improve that in a similar way, allowing forecasts to be run retrospectively.

Fix: Dashboard Cashflow Chart

In a recent release we added the ability to override the default Creditor and Debtor Days calculation. It was identified that this setting was not correctly being applied to the Dashboard Cashflow Chart but this has now been resolved and the override settings are applied correctly.

Fix: Exporting Reports with Editable Fields

A problem was identified where reports with editable fields could not be exported or printed. Editable fields allow you to edit the contents after running the report and then export or print with the additional content. Essentially this wasn't working but we've now resolved this problem so editable fields can be used as intended.

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