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Change Log 2019-11-21
Mick Devine avatar
Written by Mick Devine
Updated over a week ago

Maintenance release with minor fixes and improvements.

Conclusion: Degraded Performance (15th Nov)

Last week (15th Nov) we logged an incident on our status page advising of degraded performance across the web app. This was being caused by spikes in CPU consumption and on that day we identified some report combinations that were causing the performance issues. We were able to make some small improvements that same day and overnight to resolve the immediate performance impact but we've continued to investigate this issue. We found poor closing balance calculation logic that meant values could in some cases be recalculated many times for a single report. For multi-period reports where there are many periods or when consolidating multiple entities this exponentially heightened the problem.

We have now improved the closing balance calculation logic so that calculated values are cached and reused when required, instead of recalculated. We have also improved the online hardware and scale configurations, then stress tested these new configurations, so we're confident that a similar incident will not happen again.

Improved: Sorting on Workflow Activity

The workflow activity screen now sorts the history so that the most recent events are at the top. Previously activity was displayed oldest to newest where most users are interested in recent activity.

Improved: Sorting in Multi-Org Reports

Multi-Org reports that show individual organisations as rows or columns were sorted in the order that the organisations were added to the Multi-Org group. This meant when adding a new organisation it was always added at the end of the report which may not have been a logical position. For even greater flexibility in the future we'll provide a mechanism to change the position of each org in the Multi-Org group but for now we have sorted the resulting report alphabetically.

Fix: Workflows Delayed

An issue was identified where workflows were becoming delayed by up to 6 hours. We've identified the root cause of this problem and applied a fix. Workflows are now triggering on the correct time.

Fix: Account Analysis Report

The Account Analysis report did not correctly apply the Consolidation Settings as set in the Budgets & Actuals menu. The organisation budget is now correctly calculated as the consolidation of all business units when this option is configured.

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