Change Log 2020-02-10
Mick Devine avatar
Written by Mick Devine
Updated over a week ago

Maintenance release with improvements to session timeout, remember device settings and various bug fixes.

Improved: Login Timeout

We've improved the session timeout behaviour which means you should find yourself logged out due to inactivity less frequently now.

Improved: Remember this Device

We've improved the remember device behaviour as part of the 2-Step Verification. Ideally this should now remember your device for up to 30 days. If you are finding the remember device settings still don't work for you please review the troubleshooting section of 2-Step Verification or reach out to us at

Fix: Type Negative in Report Date

When setting relative dates in a report it may be necessary to enter a negative number. Previously if you typed the negative symbol without a number still being present in the input this would cause a white screen error. This has now been fixed and you may type negative numbers directly in the report criteria instead of using the up/down buttons.

Fix: Business Unit Import

In a recent update we accidently added a required column to the for combined number and name to the Business Unit import. This column is not required and has been removed from the mapping step.

Fix: YTD vs Current and Approved Budget Versions

In some cases the first variance column on this report would display red text when the numbers were not negative. This issue has been fixed.

Fix: Cashflow Type on Importing Chart of Accounts

When importing accounts as part of an unplugged or manually created organisation Calxa previously set the Cashflow Type to None. We've fixed this so that new imported accounts have the same smart defaults applied as when new accounts appear in an accounting system sync.

Fix: Unplugged Organisation Creation

In some rare cases it was possible to create duplicated accounts in an Unplugged organisation. This should no longer be possible.

Fix: Cashflow Statement Template Names

Two of the Cashflow Statement report templates were incorrectly named where the one containing variance in the name not containing a variance column and vice versa. The following 2 templates have now had their names swapped to be correctly identified.

  • Cashflow Statement (Indirect) -> With Last Year

  • Cashflow Statement (Indirect) -> With Variance vs Last Year

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