The Invisible Accountant

Awesome financial reports delivered to your inbox monthly.

Shem Bogusz avatar
Written by Shem Bogusz
Updated over a week ago

G'Day I'm "The Invisible Accountant", and I'm powered by Calxa. I can automatically deliver monthly management reports for your business. I'm completely automated and require no monthly input from you. To learn more or sign up visit The Invisible Accountant website.

With only a few simple options and settings I've got all the help questions covered in this one article. Click here to sign in and view your options.

The Invisible Accountant Report Settings menu

Report Settings

Upload a new logo

You can optionally add your company logo and this will be added to the cover page of your monthly management reports.

When do you want your reports? and Send reports to?

Choose what day of the month you'd like receive your reports and who to send them to. Use a semi-colon separated list if you'd like them sent to more then one email address.

Which budget should I use for your reports?

Auto-Budget (Last Year Actuals)

Use this option if you don't have a budget in your accounting system. I'll simply use the Last Year Actuals as a budget and no further input is required.

Xero, MYOB or QuickBooks Budget

Select your accounting system budget if you would like your reports to be generated with these budgets. Simply keep your budget up to date in your accounting and your reports will be delivered using these figures.

Sync & Resend

You will receive reports automatically every month as per your Report Settings, however you can use the SYNC AND RESEND to button to generate and deliver your reports at any time.

Disconnect and Reconnect

If you are facing syncing issues you may need to consider reconnecting to your accounting data. In some cases you'll see the Connect to XERO or Connect to QuickBooks buttons however in some cases you may need to first Disconnect and then reconnect. See the Calxa help articles which describe the process in full for each type of accounting system .

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